Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Step Back and Enjoy Scotland

The wife had been harassing for a number of months to take the family on a holiday. To be honest, I really had no intention of ever fulfilling that dream of hers at that moment, since I was bogged down at work. Yet, I was confronted with a deal of a life time.
I am not one to really pay much attention to the travel deals that are in abundance on the internet, but for some reason this one caught my eye. What would be better than putting work aside for a week, and enjoying the company of my family? In my opinion, nothing. Of course I had to get the go ahead from my bosses, but after some thoughtful emails and conversations, I was setting the trip up. I could not believe it. I would look like a hero to my wife. Of course, I would not tell her that I nearly had to beg to get the time off, that part could be left out.

The advertised trip included your choice of hotel, and trips to and from the airport. Other than that, you were on your own. That was exactly how I like to travel when on vacation. I do not like to be told what to do, or abide by any sort of strict schedule. Instead, we would be able to take Scotland at our own pace, dependant on mood, weather, and cost. I could not believe that this was all happening. We had a choice between several of the Short breaks Scotland hotels, and eventually narrowed the Hotel breaks Scotland down to one. We were all set, luggage in hand.

The trip went wonderfully, it was everything that I had expected. In the end, I did not care if came across as a hero, since I needed that vacation more than anyone. Thankfully my wife is able to recognize when I need to step back from work every once and a while, since I am oblivious to it.

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